
I am the floating jukebox:

As if it can't exist
beyond words?

Hell, we drown in moments
every moment!

The Now is a 100-story building*
where a single elevator arrives
at each floor the same time!

100 songs sung this instant!

Press a button, and I'll play you one.

Or hear them all now,
and get speechless, man!

*1.  sign says art, like shakespeare
2.   art is pretentious
3.   I wouldn't like anybody in there
4.   green line on the sign, not lime, funky avocado?
5.   car sounds are a blanket
6.   corniest college students, midwest, not like the old days
7.   I want to eat something
8.   thank you god for that blue sky
9.   like a big piece of paper
10. like when I tried to learn to play guitar
11. there was no art. just play the book
12. the way my Mom painted her furniture
13. I don't smell any food
14. I worship a blue sky
15. I'm not at home
16. I'm not watching TV
17. lunch will be cool
18. just me, a beer and something somewhere here
19. I'll think fun thoughts
20. no one would publish me
21. as if it's just another gag; I hope not
22. black jeans are badass
23. mocassin deck shoes, no socks, cool, baby
24. tacos?
25. I can get tacos anywhere
26. a perfect 75 degrees
27. breeze against my face, you need it at 75 degrees
28. I'm thankful
29. no one I know here. surprised
30.  i feel like i've time travelled
31.  how it can look like a hometown but you don't see anybody you know
32.  i'm glad i never had to be alone
33.  is my hair OK
34.  the light so bright sometimes I should have worn goggles
35.  all that heaven and hell bullshit infrastructure that got toppled years ago, but it takes an eternity to hit the ground and turn to dust
36.  falling on me all the time
37.  I'm a good person
38.  but I sure don't know what happens after we're dead
39.  maybe return to some sort of eternal energy
40.  like a toulouse-lautrec is going to walk out of that art store
41.  i'm doing good in life
42.  i love beer
43.  was i the reason my family all broke up
44.  i forgot i had cancer
45.  always some squeaky voiced reminder. no pain or discomfort yet, except from treatments
46.  i wonder what the 1950s were like here
47.  i bet just like andy griffith
48.  but I'd never want to live there
49.  love no fast food joints downtown
50.  I'm a castle
51.  the sun is my father
52.  i feel like I'm back East
53.  professors, insurance salesmen, ladies who lunch, secretaries
54.  feel like a ghost, invisible, floating unseen, and god, I love it
55.  i've been here several times before, and it's always this way
56. O'Hara's is now a bros bar, but I wish it could be my home
57. shamrock's make me feel like angels are beckoning
58. maybe a salad, with heirloom tomatoes
59. the sky has no personality, and I like that
60. all the black cars. why?
61. living the postcard
62. scared a lot as a kid about a lot of things. glad I'm not scared any more
63. those library doors were classic! automatic. made a racket as they opened and closed.
64. the old bank is now a Starbucks. what's happening to this world?
65. hairdressing school cracks me up
66. that old fountain and the traffic circle, something we normally tear down
67. love button-down collars now, but i didn't always
68.  my family's in good shape. this is their big gift to worries
69.  peace and sunlight and money for lunch and beer, so great
70.  i'm so glad i have no religion
71. sometimes i want danger and sometimes i sure don't
72. hard to write anything when you're happy
73. the palette is so corny. everything done on computers. like building pyramids
74. no reason to think about dinner
75. myself as a ghost of a kid all over these streets, as if i could almost see myself, almost as if
       i always knew i'd have this day.
76. we don't accomplish much, but better food and drink is OK with me
77. i miss the road, but not that much
78. these trees once saw dinosaurs and caballeros
79. planning on a three beer buzz
80. everything is so much slower than me, but i like that
81. glad i'm not a drunk
82. if i bought the record store and the comic book store, people wouldn't see me for years
83. i even know two city councilmen
84. you'll never see a taxi in this town
85. loved my grandmother's gingerbread. it was so big, my parents would let me eat as much
      as i wanted, the only food where that was allowed, and it filled me up and saved my life
      many times
86. miss her
87. i'm a lucky man
88. despite the cancer
89. i could say goodbye to it all right now, and take it with me
90. two gelato places. which? which, godammit?!
91. a free man
92. people don't know how to drive
93. poor kids don't know how to hot rod a car any more
94. i'd like to be looking out of that second floor window
95. never thought this would be me one day
96. safe
97. god i love craft beer
98. i'll be gone but someone will be walking down this street just like this
99. things start getting stupid and dull just two or three blocks away
100. watch out for the gum

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