How To Fly

sleep well
if you are able
worries magnet
gravity doubt pain
all that is potential
and likely true
beware the brain
believe your chest
will it
if you think
you can't

reach for a ledge
out of sensibleness
side bet on safety
don't be surprised
those on the ground
don't see you
joy up

What I Wrote On A Pyramid Wall 3,000 Years Ago

radiation off words forms new words one day
and we'll reminisce about all we tried to say

the way hair wanders from my head
until a lit sparkler sits atop my neck

our world destroyed by a culture of dancing bears
while gold and guns kept the death hammer down

television can't afford truth, its audience, lazy,
stupid, wanting only to see themselves now

the nature of reality unstudied much
so we can talk talk talk to get along

undefeated, alone,with no idea why
we can't change the subject

I Don't Agree With Myself, Or Anybody Else

why leads to lie
and don't give me a whiff of if

every person walks by
in their own universe.

the sky walls me off
green grass holds me up
with nothing down below
unless i dig to find it

trees all mourn over water
but we ain't heard nothing yet
millions dead with no freeze
to kill the bugs

and people wonder how
i'm going to die after
the cancer diagnosis

like everybody else, I guess

Brake Pad

In a building where the walls are live
and your mother's argument with your aunt
takes up 25% of your entire vision
and it seems like all of your hearing, and
you may wonder kind of hoax is this?!?!

My favorite thing is my fear of death.
It made me the toddler that I was
when someone told me someone died
and they'd never be back, and I learned
what never meant, slowly, over every day

And I guess I travelled a lot in this life
to avoid Mr. Death, or maybe see him,
briefly, at the end of a night, arrived
for some other poor sucker, drunk,
walked into the street, run over dead.

The fear of death keeps us safe
from the jinx of denying it, and
making the underworld angry
enough to kill a ton of us at once
in a tornado or earthquake, bus crash.

I’m not laughing. it's just the avenue
of "I Walk Alone," and how you find it,
how you get there, how you go further.
Blackstar night followed by ocean day,
loud jungle dark, assault of dawn.

Shapeshifter peace, just as they found
oregano in the dna of some Italians,
and photos that were more than photos.
The lion's roar is the jet taking off.
Make believe, then, weightless goodbye.

Calling Out The Haiku Power of Words

in a major thrust
all the words got filled up right
in spite of the law


there were always phantoms  another world right on top of this one we can't stop to even see it all when the rent's due or it's time for more groceries or the car won't start or maybe it's finally time to try and buy a house  we get it quick from the content box, but it never says much not like someone who's been staring at the big dimensions of life  for a long time maybe that person knows what is being said or what we're supposed to say  ah, civilization is mostly distraction


There it was, the fogtown bridge,
getting ready to blow its girders
in a night of unforgiving dark,
darkness that welcomed me.
I was a poet
who believed in the many gods
and distrusted the rule of guns
as part of a thought process.
Robbers had struck, and left the train
on full throttle, despite a deadman.
This is when I wrote my first poem
about a river god that rose up
to let a train ride across its back
and reach the other side in safety.
I won't ask you to believe me.
I will ask you to be free.